
sits well with himwhen companies do things in the background without overt warnings. “Although they are trying to cut down on fraud,” Moore told me, “companies like eBay...

洲际酒店集团宣布了他的全新套房酒店品牌——Atwell Suites。该品牌定位于洲际酒店集团旗下中高端酒店,瞄准了客于常住酒店与精选服务酒店之间的客群。 根据独立资讯机构品牌金融的研究...

catwalk: narrow platform; "Models displayed clothes on a catwalk at the fashion show". catwalk: a narrow platform extending from the stage into the audience in a theater or nightclub etc. 实际上,catwalk还有一个意思是指建筑上悬在高空的狭窄过道(a nar...

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